In it, Jesus was teaching crowds of people when one guy stood up and asked Jesus a pretty important question. “How can I be a part of heaven one day? What is it that I have to do?”
That’s a question that a lot of people have. A lot of people think that if you're a good person (so you don’t kick puppies and you help old ladies across the street) that you’ll get a golden ticket to heaven when you die. And while Jesus DID say that loving others is important (and that's what we focused on this week), Jesus said that the most important thing is that we love God (that we accept his forgiveness, have a restored friendship with him, and follow him with our lives). Really, if we love God and follow him, a natural result is that we'll love others.
Jesus then went on to tell this famous story to the crowd about a man who was travelling on the street and was beaten, robbed, and left half-dead at the side of the road. As the man lay there, a couple of people who you would have expected would have helped the guy (they were both church leaders) actually crossed to the other side of the road or seemed too busy to help. Maybe they just didn’t want to get their hands dirty? But then, Jesus said that a SAMARITAN MAN—someone who was considered to be an enemy because, at the time, Jewish people and Samaritan people didn’t get along, stopped when he saw the man.
The Samaritan man didn’t just stop to think about helping. He actually bandaged up the man’s wounds. He then put him on his donkey and helped the man get to a place where he could be taken care of. AND THEN the Samaritan man payed the guy’s medical bills and said he would return to pay if there was anything else the man needed. When Jesus finished the story, he told the crowd—"I want you to go and do the same thing".
It’s really easy to be selfish and to care only about yourself and doing the things that you want to do. It’s pretty tempting to spend every night watching Netflix or playing video games instead of volunteering in the church or community. It’s pretty tempting to spend your money all on yourself instead of using it to help somebody else. We all have to fight against that urge to be selfish and greedy every day! It also might be pretty tempting to join in on making fun of somebody or gossiping because all of your friends are doing it- but, here, Jesus says that he wants us to be known for our love!
The thing I love about the Smartest Giant in Town is that this giant didn’t have a lot—he was known for wearing a pretty grubby gown. So, on the one day where he decided to spend money on himself—to get a bit of a makeover—as he walked, he kept bumping into people who needed help…and the guy LITERALLY gave the clothes off of his back in order to help others! Of course, the twist in the story is that while he spent money on clothes to make him look "smart" (a British term for being well-dressed and attractive), it was actually his heart—it was his love for others—that made him look good- not what he was wearing on the outside.
Similarly, in Jesus’s story of the Good Samaritan, this guy took the time to stop and help. He actually bandaged the injured man’s wounds (which probably would have been pretty gross and messy), and then he used the money he had to ensure that the man would get the care and help he needed! Jesus said that this guy should be our role model! If you love and follow Jesus—this is the kind of reputation God wants you to have.
Most young teens probably don’t have jobs right now, or don’t have a lot of money to give and be a help to others (one day they might!), but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be like the Good Samaritan or the Smartest Giant in Town. What I think is so cool about the giant was that, as he did his normal everyday stuff, whenever he encountered someone in need, he stopped and DID WHAT HE COULD to help. You don't have to have thousands of dollars to help people, you can simply do what you're able to do! Even the small things can make a difference!
Are you known for your kindness? If people were to describe you, would they describe you as someone who really cares about others? Would they describe you as someone who helps people—and not just around Christmastime, but ALL YEAR LONG? One of the best ways that you can show others that you love God and are serious about following him with your life is through the things you say and do—sometimes even the little everyday things. This week, (and hopefully every day after), I really want to challenge you to be on the lookout for people who might be in need or in trouble and then to DO WHAT YOU CAN to be some kind of help- to be the SMARTEST TEENAGERS IN TOWN.
1. Ask your teen about the "Smartest Giant in Town". What was the story about? It's very similar to a story Jesus told- do they remember what it is? What is the point of both of those stories?
2. Ask your teen to think of some simple everyday situations where they might be able to show kindness, helpfulness or generosity. (Examples- standing up for someone who is getting made fun of or not joining in on gossip, saying hi and being friendly to someone who looks sad or seems to be having a bad day, holding the door open for someone instead of letting it slam in their face, giving up your seat on the bus for an older person or a pregnant lady, doing your chores or helping your parents without grumbling and complaining- but being happy to help).
3. This month, get the family together and brainstorm some ways that you show generosity, kindness, or be a help to others as a family. While giving money to help people in need MIGHT be a good option, try to think of other simple, practical things you could do that are more "hands on". (For example- helping a neighbour, baking cookies and delivering them to someone, volunteering somewhere as a family, inviting someone over to dinner, buying food and giving it to the food bank).