Open Doors Canada will deliver your card or artwork to a child who is a part of the persecuted church.
Write a note of encouragement and hope! Draw a picture of a happy or joyful scene! Some ideas of simple text to include (for kids): "Jesus loves you!", "Jesus is with you!", "We are praying for you!", "Trust in Jesus!, or add an encouraging Bible verse!
Writing Guidelines:
-Don't mention Open Doors Canada on the card or letter, or any other organization name.
-Do not criticize religious extremism, governments, judicial systems, or political leaders.
-Do not send money or make any proposals to help.
-You may provide your name, but not your full address (eg. Matthew from Toronto, Canada is acceptable)
-Be brief and encouraging
Send your card/colouring page to:
Open Doors Canada,
8-19 Brownridge Road.
Halton Hills, ON. L7G 0C6