Friday, 14 November 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014: ASSEMBLY REQUIRED

Tonight we talked about, arguably, the greatest superhero team-up movie, THE AVENGERS, and how, even heroes like Thor, Hulk and Iron Man need a little help sometimes. The tagline of the first Avengers movie was ASSEMBLY REQUIRED--that there's a need for these superheroes to work together in order to defeat hideous monsters and weird robots.

The Bible says the same thing to us-- that ASSEMBLY IS REQUIRED! That all of us who call ourselves Christians have a mission that requires us to work together as a team. The mission isn't to defeat hideous monsters, but it's to show and tell others that God loves them. Paul uses a pretty funny analogy to describe this kind of teamwork in 1 Corinthians 12. He describes the church (any group of Christians who regularly meet together) as being like a body made up of many different parts, but all of those parts work together as a team.

"Our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. How strange a body would be if it had only one part. Yes, there are many parts, but only one body. The eye can never say to the hand, "I don't need you". The head can't say to the feet, "I don't need you". All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it."
1 Corinthians 12:18-21, 27

That passage conveys two important things:

1. You are here for a reason!
Just like our bodies weren't thrown together without any thought, Paul says that all of us are a part of the church for a reason- so that we would grow in our faith and grow tighter with God, but also so that we can plug in and serve in the unique way that only each of us can.

2. Without you, we're missing our arm!
Every part of your body is pretty important. If just one part went missing, life would be a whole lot harder and some tasks would almost be impossible to complete without some help. On the Amazing Race this year, one of the racers is Bethany Hamilton, a Christian surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack when she was a teenager. It is amazing to see what she can do with only one arm, but it's also a lot harder for her to complete tasks that would be relatively simple for us (try tying your shoes or buttoning your pants with only one arm!). Just like every part of our bodies is important, the Bible says that every single one of us has specific gifts, talents and interests that God has wired into us so that we can serve together as a part of the church. In short, we need you!  This youth group needs your involvement! This church (or the one you attend) needs your involvement! Without you, we're missing our arm. Sure, we can accomplish things, but think about how much easier it would be if we had your help! You don't have to wait until you're 37 be a part of "the body".


1. Imagine what life would be like if you were missing an arm like Bethany Hamilton. Think about your morning routine before you went to school. What would be more challenging? How would you brush your teeth? How would you put on your clothes?

2. Just like all our body parts work together as a part of a team, the people who make up the church are important parts of the team. If your teen serves in some aspect of church ministry, ask them what would happen if they just didn't show up. What would be different? Would it be easier for the church to accomplish its mission or harder? (for example, even being the person who cleans the toilets is ESSENTIAL. Without them, our building would stink, people would be disgusted and leave and first-time visitors would NEVER come back!)

3. If your teen doesn't yet serve in some aspect of church ministry (either on Sundays or during the week), encourage them to think about their own skills and interests (things that God has wired into them for a purpose) and ask them how they could help or serve in some way as a part of the team-- as a part of the Body of Christ. Without your teen, it's a lot harder for us to accomplish our mission!

4. Encourage your teen to talk to myself or another pastor (at this church or theirs) to find ways that they can be a part of the team!

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