Because this is graduation season, this week at CATALYST youth, we talked about the future. How can I know what God wants me to do with my life? How can I know if a big choice I'm facing is right or wrong for me? Should I spend thousands of dollars going to college or university if I'm not sure what I want to do? Thinking about the future can be pretty scary and overwhelming for teens. Let's face it, it can be pretty scary and overwhelming for adults too. If I could give teens a roadmap for their lives, showing them exactly what they're supposed to do and when they're supposed to do it, well, I'd be a millionaire. Instead, we took some time to walk through a few Bible-based tips to help teens navigate THE GREAT BEYOND.
God's biggest concern for us is that we are in a relationship with him and following him with our lives. Jesus said in Mark 8:36-37, "What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?". We can have all of the wealth and fame in the world, we could have a great family and a fulfilling job and yet still be in deep spiritual need. Matthew 6:33 tells us that if we love God and do what he wants, we can trust him to take care of our future.
We often visit guidance counselors and take career aptitude tests to help figure out what we should do with our lives, but do we talk to God? Do we read the Bible? 1 Peter 5:7 and Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us that we don't need to worry, but can talk to God about what stresses us out. When we do, he can give us supernatural peace. Psalm 119:105 describes God's Word as a flashlight. When we feel lost and directionless, we need to spend time familiarizing ourselves with God's instruction book for our lives.
When facing a HUGE decision, surround yourself with people who REALLY care about you- your friends and family-- people who have your back-- and ask them for some advice. Proverbs 12:15 and Proverbs 15:22 tells us that seeking advice from others is a very wise thing to do.
When you're facing a fork in the road and both options could be equally right, how do you choose? Some people feel that there is only one right job (or one right person) for them, and if they miss it, their life won't be the way God intended it to be. We need to remember that if we've had our sins forgiven and love and follow God, we are exactly where God wants us to be. A few other questions we can ask are:
A) Is it a direction that God would be proud to see me take?When we've answered those questions, it's time to make the best informed decision you can make and trust that when you do, you won't be jumping off of God's roadmap for your life, but that you'll be travelling down the road together.
B) Is it something that might be detrimental to my spiritual health and growth?
C) Is it something that seems to fit with the way God has wired me (my interests, skills, abilities, and the things that I enjoy)?
DISCUSSION: (Take some time this week to discuss these questions with your teen. Even if those big scary decisions are a few years off, it's always good to talk about these things beforehand).
1. What is one of the most important decisions you could ever make in your life? Do you find that scary or exciting? Why?
2. What do you think God wants you to do with your life? What are some of the most important things that God would want for you?
3. If your teen is struggling with some big decisions, walk through the questions in point 4 (above) with them.
4. Pray with your teen. Ask God to help them make the right choices in life, especially that they would be people who love and follow Jesus. Ask God to give them wisdom and that they would trust Him with their future.
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