Over the last month, I asked our teens to send in questions or topics that they would like me to speak on, and this week, in our new "HOT TOPICS" series, we tackled the subject of stress.
We all experience stress in our lives, whether it's studying for an exam worth 30% of your final grade, taking a driver's test, having an argument with someone you love, or having a deadline to complete a project at work. It really is impossible to have a "stress free" life, because we're always going to have challenges and difficult times (unfortunately, the Bible doesn't ever promise that those will go away). But, the Bible does have a lot to say about what we should do when we're stressed, and how God promises to help.
This week, I shared my story- as someone who used to be TERRIBLE at handling stress. Through high school, I often found myself so full of anxiety and worry that I was literally sick to my stomach, experiencing a lot of nausea. I even had a bunch of medical tests done to see if there was something physically wrong with me, which included swallowing a cable the size of a garden hose that had a camera on the end of it (to this day, I still regret not looking inside my own stomach when the doctors offered me a peek). In my final year of high school, I was nearly approaching panic attack territory when I had no idea what I was supposed to do with my life and saw all of my friends planning to head off to college or university. So, what helped? What helped me handle stress better?
One of the first things I did was read everything that the Bible had to say about stress, fear, and worry. I wanted to know what God had to say on the subject. During that time, I remember reading Matthew 6:25-34. It seemed to jump right off the page at me. Here, Jesus reminds me not to worry about my life and my future, but that if I know and follow him, he'll take care of me. In this passage he says that my Heavenly Father is there for me. Today, when I think of how, as a dad, my kids depend on me and trust me to take care of them, the truth of this sinks in even more. God loves me. He's there for me. I don't have to be overwhelmed when I go through stressful and difficult situations.
Another thing that I did during this time of stress was to pray and ask God for help. The Bible is full of people who were under extreme pressure and were pushed to the breaking point- and they all expressed their fears, worries and needs to God.
David spent time running for his life as an army tried to hunt him down, he was overwhelmed with how badly he had sinned, he even suffered through the loss of his son, and the Psalms record all his prayers and pleas to God. Some of his prayers are brutally honest- "God, where are you? Do you even care about me?". Others were full of faith and confidence in God- "God, I KNOW that you're going to rescue me! I'm going to thank and praise you for doing it!" Even Jesus, when facing the fact that he was going to be arrested, beaten and crucified, spent the entire night before it all happened praying in a garden.
Philippians 4:6-7 says that we don't have to worry about ANYTHING, but we can offer our prayers to God with thankfulness and that he will give us a supernatural peace. If you want peace, you need to talk to God about what you're going through and to ask him for help and strength. Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to me, all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."
God never intended for us to go through life on our own. In Ecclesiastes 4, it talks about how friends can strengthen and support each other when they go through difficult situations. It's important that we talk to our friends, family and pastors about what we're going through. Sometimes just talking about it helps, but the people around us can also encourage us, give us good advice, and pray for us.
A few years ago, I had a bit of a relapse. We had two young children and I found myself out of a job. To make matters worse, every job opportunity that came my way and seemed perfect, closed right in my face. There was one night where I was feeling totally hopeless and overwhelmed, and I talked to my wife about it (which is sometimes really hard for a guy to do). Honestly, she said the perfect words at the perfect time. She reminded me that I didn't need to feel overwhelmed, but that God loved us and that we could trust him. She didn't say anything that I didn't already know, but I really needed that reminder. After we prayed together, the situation hadn't changed at all, but my perspective did. I wasn't focused on the problem, I was focused on the fact that God loves me, and had things under control. If you're going through a stressful situation, talk to a Christian friend, family member, or pastor about it.
1. Talk to your teen about what stresses them out. Are they feeling scared or overwhelmed about anything? Share some personal examples of how God helped you when you were stressed.
2. Read passages like Matthew 6:25-34, Philippians 4:6-7, and Matthew 11:28. What do these verses tell us to do when we're feeling stressed or worried? What things does God promise us?
3. Take a few minutes to pray for your teen. Ask God to give them strength and peace in the midst of their stressful situation.
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