Thursday 26 September 2019

WHO CARES? Part 3- CATALYST youth, September 27, 2019

This week at CATALYST, we continued our "WHO CARES?" series by talking about being generous with our skills, interests, and abilities-- all things that God has uniquely wired into us!

In Acts 9: 36-42 we learned about a woman named Dorcas.


She is the only woman in the Bible SPECIFICALLY referred to as a disciple (even though there were other women disciples at the time). This is pretty significant because it was a pretty male-centric society. Men were the ones who could have an education. Men were the ones who had positions of leadership. Only men would have been called disciples. This shows us how much God cares about gender equality. Jesus had women disciples who learned from him and were a part of church leadership! This was pretty counter-cultural at the time.


Because Dorcas was a person of faith who followed Jesus with her life, she naturally dedicated her life to helping others. She had an amazing legacy! She was known for helping the poorest of the poor in that society (specifically mentioning widows). Widows were among the most poor and vulnerable people because they didn't have husbands to provide for them (remember, it was a male-centric culture at the time). 

All through the Bible, it encourages followers of God to take care of the poor, refugees, widows, and orphans- to be involved in social justice issues. For example, in Deuteronomy 24:19 it encourages people to not keep all of their crops for themselves, but to leave some for foreigners, orphans and widows. This is something that the church (and Christians) are known for today. Nearly every major helping organization or emergency relief organization that is in existence today is a Christian organization or founded by Christians (Salvation Army, World Vision, Compassion International, Red Cross, Ottawa Mission, Capital City Mission, Ottawa Innercity Ministries). 1 John 3:16-17 says that we can't have God's love in us if we don't have compassion on people in need.


Acts 9:39 says, "All the widows stood around him (Peter), crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them".

Dorcas had some skills! She knew how to sew! She knew how to make clothing, and she used those skills and abilities not just for her own benefit or livelihood, but so that she could be a help to others as part of the church community.

God has given us all unique skills, interests, and abilities, and they haven't been given to us so that we hoard them for ourselves, but so that we can show CARE to others. It's important that we think about our skills, abilities, and interests and how we each might be able to use them in ways that assist with the mission of the church (to help people know Jesus and to share his love with others), or ways that help people in need.


1. Dorcas was known as being someone who was always doing good and helping the poor. Talk about what your teen would like to be known for- what they would want remembered the most about them. Does any of it include generosity, kindness, or giving?

2. As a family, talk about the ways that you might use your skills/interests/abilities to help others or as a part of the church community. Help your teen think of ways that they could use what God has given them to be a help and benefit to others. Encourage them to talk to Pastor Ben or Christine about ways they could serve at Arlington Woods or at CATALYST youth.

3. Pray together, thanking God for some of the talents, abilities, or interests that he's uniquely given each one of us. Ask God to help your teens be known for their generosity-- that they would give of their time, their abilities/interests, and their money to be a help and benefit to others.

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