Thursday 17 October 2019

WHO CARES? Part 4- CATALYST Youth, October 18, 2019

This week, we continued our series, "WHO CARES?" by talking about being generous with our money! While, for a lot of our teens, money is still pretty hard to come by…one day they’ll have some…and if no one teaches them what to do with it or how to use it responsibly NOW, they might make some bad choices when their wallets are slightly more full.

While a lot of people today have problems saving money and spend more than they make, people have an even tougher time being GENEROUS with it…because money can be used to buy so many shiny things! There’s a lot of temptation to keep it for ourselves, to spend it on own wants and needs… and it doesn’t get easier!

A 2018 study (Basic and Applied Social Psychology) tells us that the more money a person has, the LESS likely they are to be generous with it! Statistically, people who earn less give a greater percentage! WHY? Because you start to LOVE IT and want more of it and want nicer things, and want to upgrade your life…and eventually, you become SCROOGE! The Bible offers a lot of warnings about money.

Ecclesiastes 5:10 says, “Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness”!

In Matthew 6:24, Jesus said that money can easily become our God--- where we serve it and are consumed by it—where it takes over our life!

Tonight we looked at a few things the Bible says about money and generosity...


2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “You must each decide in your heart how much to give”.

It’s really important that you plan what you’re going to do with your money. Us grownups might call that “MAKING A BUDGET”. In KIDZONE we recently talked about the importance of “GIVE, SAVE, SPEND”

You need to plan out how much you should spend, otherwise you’ll be in debt and become a SLAVE to credit card companies for spending too much! You also need to plan how much you should save! Saving is important so that you have money for big purchases, for schooling, for emergencies, and for your retirement. Here, the Bible says  that we also have to plan how much we’re going to give.

A lot of people will ask you for your money, and there’s A BILLION WORTHY CAUSES everywhere you turn—so it’s important that you decide on what things are most important to you and to plan to give regularly towards those things.


2 Corinthians 9:7 continues… “Don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

A recent poll said this is why Canadians give:
89 % give because they have compassion for those in need
85% give because they personally believe in a cause and want to help
79% give because it makes a difference in their community
61% give because they are moved by the CAUSE. 
29%  say they give because of their faith
23% give because there’s an income tax credit 

Those are a lot of compelling reasons! When we give as people of faith, it's a way we thank God for all that He's blessed us with. Giving is a way we worship God! It tells him that He's important to us and that we value the things that He values! It shows that we trust him to take care of us and to provide for us! 


Acts 2 is probably one of the coolest chapters in the Bible. It tells us about what the first group of Jesus followers (the first church) did on a regular basis and WHY the church grew from a handful of people to over 2 BILLION Christians in the world today (that’s ¼ of the world’s population).

Acts 2:44 says "All the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need"

That’s pretty counter-cultural. People usually buy property as an investment, so one day they’ll own it and be able to retire or to pass it on to their kids. People today also LOVE stuff and possessions and are never really satisfied with what they have. We always want more. Companies call us CONSUMERS—(which means we eat and eat and are never satisfied). But here, these Christians MADE PERSONAL SACRIFICES to be a help to others in need. Instead of getting more possessions, they actually sold stuff they had in order to help others! They were SELFLESS instead of SELFISH.

What does that mean practically today? It means thinking of ways that we could give something up for ourselves to be a benefit to others.

Some creative examples:

  • Instead of buying brand name clothes, get more affordable clothes and give the money you would have spent away.
  • Instead of upgrading a perfectly good tech advice, wait and give some of that money
  • Instead of eating out, decide instead to give the money you would have spent towards a charity or cause that's important to you.
  • Instead of buying a drink/coffee each day, pool that money together to sponsor a child through World Vision or Compassion Canada!


“And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.” For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.” (2 Corinthians 9:7-10)

This says that when we are generous, God will BLESS us…He will TAKE CARE OF US! It actually says that we will have EVERYTHING WE NEED and we’ll have left over to share with others! I should mention that this isn’t some magical formula where if we give $1000, God will give us back $10,000. When we start to give because we want the reward, it means we’re giving for the wrong reason—our hearts aren’t in the right place. This also doesn't say that God will give us EVERYTHING WE WANT...but everything we NEED. There's a big difference there. When we give cheerfully as worship to God, He will take care of us and we'll find ourselves even more able and willing to be even more generous!


1. Discuss with your teens ways that your family is generous with money. What are some important needs you regularly give towards? Why? Have you experienced God's blessing/provision in your life? Can you give your teens some examples?

2. Discuss some of the creative ways you might give up something for yourselves so that you can give to others. (Listed above under #3). Are one of those things something that your family could try? What should you do with that money you saved? Do you have any other creative ideas?

3. Pray together and ask God to increase your willingness and ability to be generous! Thank God for all the ways He's provided for you and pray that He will continue to bless you and your family as you practice generosity.

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